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Guaviare Unexplored Ecotourism in the Puerta del Chibiriquete

4.60(11 reviews)Bogotá, D.C. - San José Del Guaviare - Bogotá, D.C.

3 days at the door of the Amazon: rock art in Nuevo Tolima, Laguna Negra, Natural Tunnels and the Guayabero River

roadtrip:info.availableIn Spanish

Community, Cultural, Ecotourismroadtrip:info.difficultyLevel Medio Bajo departuresFrom Bogotá, D.C. 3 roadtrip:info.days

If you are looking to discover the natural wonders of San José del Guaviare, this plan is for you. Guaviare is a department with unique characteristics in the world, here you can appreciate 10,000-year-old rock painting, the rapids of the Guayabero River, the imposing rock formations in the Natural Tunnels and it will connect you with nature at the Orion Gate.

This is a territory that has a unique beauty that is part of the Serranía del Chiribiquete, which provides an epic landscape full of history, in addition this is a place with a diversity of wonderful bodies of water in which the Nukak Makú belongs, the last being nomadic and gathering tribe of the planet.

🗿 Guayabero River

🗿Cerro Raudal

🗿Waterfall and natural pool in the Guayabero River

🗿Natural Tunnels

🗿Rock art visit in Nuevo Tolima

🗿Orion Gate


The first day we will have a motor boat trip on the Guayabero River over the Angosturas II rapid; With the possibility of seeing freshwater dolphins, Cerro Raudal awaits us; This tour accompanied by a walk of no more than 3 km is adorned with a Rock Art mural and a beautiful viewpoint where we can see from the heights, PNN Macarena, Serranía la Lindosa, and Río Guayabero, in addition to being able to enjoy a waterfall of Crystal clear waters in a natural pool hidden in the middle of the rapid.

The second day we will walk through streets carved into the rock with the immensity of the sheets in addition to the antiquity between natural bridges with beautiful rock outcrops, biodiversity in flora and fauna; own spaces that generate some endemisms typical of this region; like the Guaviare flower without mentioning that many of these rocks keep secrets “Rock Paintings” in Cerro Nuevo Tolima for anyone who wants to look for them, as well as a beautiful space of natural water to cool off in the middle of the Journey.

On the third day we will have a tour in ecosystems totally different from the Serranía la Lindosa, leaving behind the rock formation of Serranía through an ecosystem of the Amazon foothills is an ideal way to end a trip full of journeys, sailing through the black channel until leading to a space of dark but crystalline waters, known as Laguna Negra, in these calm waters you can observe different species of birds and perhaps some species of primate. And we will end at the Orion Gate.


🗿 Guayabero River

This river runs through the limits of the department of Meta and Guaviare, this river is born from the union of the Duda River and the Lozada River in the Cerro de Buenos Aires. This river has its name with respect to the indigenous people of the Guayaberos, of the Guahibo linguistic family.

🗿Cerro Raudal

These are cave paintings made by the indigenous people who inhabited the area. The paintings are very abundant, they were mostly made with dark red color. There is no information on their age.

🗿Waterfall and natural pool in the middle of the Raudal

In the middle of this imposing river, you can see a waterfall. When we are lucky we can see pink dolphins, a species that is in danger of extinction. Likewise, this is an ideal space to take a break and refreshing swim.

🗿Natural tunnels

These are rock formations, characteristics of the ancient savanna, natural bridges with beautiful rocky outcrops are observed, where the biodiversity of flora and fauna represents some of the endemic species of the region, in the middle of the adventure we will find a natural water well which provides a movie landscape to refresh yourself in the middle of this journey.

🗿 Laguna Negra and La Playita

Sailing through Caño Negro until we reach a place with crystal clear waters so deep that they are perceived as black water, hence its name of Laguna Negra, slow waters where we will have the opportunity to observe various species of birds and if we are lucky, some species of primates characteristic of this region.

🗿 New Tolima

The history of Colombia is impregnated in the landscape where the pre-Columbian art of this region of southeastern Colombia. Hunting and fishing rituals, real and fantastic fauna, human copulation and pregnancy, and utensils for basket weaving and weaving are some of the images painted on murals by indigenous people who inhabited the La Lindosa mountain range (Guaviare) 7,250 years ago. This is one of the eight archaeological zones declared as a protected area by the Ministry of Culture.


Private transportation round trip from Bogotá
Food (3 breakfasts, 2 lunches)
Internal transportation in 4x4
Accommodation 2 nights
Equipment for water activities: vests, canoes and paddles
Income to natural attractions
Local guide
Medical assistance insurance
Does not include: unstipulated expenses


Carry an identity document
Be responsible for the waste you generate
It is recommended to have a vaccine against Yellow Fever
The entire trip must be paid through the website 5 days before departure


💧 It is vitally important to carry a bottle of water and maintain constant hydration, we will be in a place where the heat can be very strong and the consumption of water will keep us in optimal conditions to carry out the travel plan.

🧢 Wear a hat or cap to protect yourself from the sun. It is important to use sunscreen, remember to use a mineral sunscreen for your face.

👕 Pack light clothes, enough for hot land for two days. We suggest long pants and a long-sleeved shirt since the route has trees with long branches and this will help us avoid scratches. It is important to wear clothing that can get wet and a swimsuit and raincoat.

🥾 Wear comfortable shoes, preferably hiking shoes, in any case avoid ballet shoes or fabric tennis shoes. It is important to bring a change of shoes in case your shoes get wet during the tour.

💉 It is recommended that your Yellow Fever vaccine is current, otherwise you can apply it no later than 10 days before the trip.

💊 Bring your medications and personal documents (medical insurance card and ID)

🎒 Do not use a wheeled suitcase and carry a kangaroo or small backpack so you can take your personal items on walks.

🔦 We suggest bringing a blanket for the cold in the early morning when leaving Bogotá, repellent, flashlight and binoculars.


  • Keep in mind that you are responsible for your belongings. Protect your electronic devices and personal documents from rain and humidity.
  • Carry your cell phone charged, this will allow you to take photographs and use it in case of emergency.
  • Your safety is very important, please be cautious, always keep the group in sight and follow the guide's instructions.
  • Do not bring cigarettes or alcoholic beverages. Do not attend a walk late at night, while intoxicated, pregnant, or with medical disabilities.
  • Strictly follow your doctor's instructions regarding injuries and, if necessary, carry your personal medications.


4.60(11 reviews)

Avatar Sebastián

Es una experiencia 100% recomendable. Un destino lleno de naturaleza e historia muy hermoso. De verdad no duden en ir; además la comunidad de viajeros...

Avatar Natalia

Increíble destino! El Guaviare se lo recomiendo a todo el que quiera conocer otros lados de Colombia. La experiencia con Roadtrip muy buena, las agenc...

Avatar Miguel

Expectacular experiencia, muy buen destino, el lugar sensacional. Tengo reparos fuertes por parte del bus que nos lleva de Bogota a San jose de Guav...

Avatar Diego

¡Excelente experiencia!...

Avatar Juan

Muy satisfecho con este viaje. Mi única observación es que deben mejorar el transporte. La van para este trayecto no fue cómoda, deben asignar un vehí...

Avatar Luis

Una gran falla que se ofrezca un servicio en el que se deba viajar durante más de 9 horas en una buseta sin baño, con mal aire acondicionado y sillas ...


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